#15 – Oracle Database w/ Tim Kroening-Smith (Part 2)

This week we finish our interview with Tim Kroening-Smith, an Oracle DBA and PeopleSoft Admin. Tim explains PeopleTools support for Partitioning, . We had such a fun time with Tim that we had to break the interview into two parts. Enjoy Part 2 this week!

If you want to get in contact with Tim, you can reach him at this email. Tim offers remote DBA and PeopleSoft Admin support.

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3 thoughts on “#15 – Oracle Database w/ Tim Kroening-Smith (Part 2)”

  1. Pingback: Podcast #15 – Oracle Database with Tim Kroening-Smith (Part 2) | Dinesh Ram Kali.

  2. Does anyone know why the dpk’s ask for a ‘new unix password’ during setup? They are running on Oracle Linux so why not ask for a ‘new linux password’?

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