#70 – Attachments

This week on the podcast, Kyle and Dan talk about Log Correlation fields, resetting SES security filters, and getting started with the ACM. Then they dig into storing attachments and searching attachments with SES and Elasticsearch.

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1 thought on “#70 – Attachments”

  1. I’ve been having that SES error where only one user was having problems using the global search for months. I had opened an SR on it back in November and had been going back and forth with an analyst on it. I’m on BP5 for SES so I guess the analyst wasn’t looking at that Doc ID since it said BP4+ was supposed to “fix” it. But like you mentioned, it says it should “alleviate” the error, not actually fix it. The analyst finally mentioned that Doc ID to me offhandedly and I tried it (deleting the security filters in the SESDB) and that fixed the problem.

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