process scheduler

All About COBOL

Time for everyone’s favorite language: COBOL! Well, it’s not my favorite, and probably not your favorite, but it is important to PeopleSoft. Many core programs in HR use COBOL and will most likely stay COBOL for a while. Those COBOL programs are stable, fast, and once you compile you rarely… Read More »All About COBOL

Rebuilding Tuxedo Domains

When using the command line to rebuild a Tuxedo domain, there is a new flag to keep your settings: The –keepfeatures switch in the following command was introduced in PeopleTools 8.54. For example: psadmin –c import [PS_CFG_HOME] –d [old domain name] –n [new domain name] -keepfeatures This came from the… Read More »Rebuilding Tuxedo Domains