#4 – Demo’s, PUM and PI

In episode 4, Dan and Kyle talk about Demo environments and why the traditional need for Demo’s may change, the PeopleSoft Update Manager, and how to manager PeopleSoft Images. We also discuss the recent WebLogic vulnerability, and ask for input on our upcoming Tools and Documentation podcast. We want to… Read More »#4 – Demo’s, PUM and PI

UMRUG 2015 Fall Meeting Recap

The 2015 fall meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional User Group (UMRUG) was last week. There was lots of great information from Oracle and other users. Here are the highlights: Opening Keynote: Oracle Jim Ellis, from Oracle, gave the opening keynote. Much of the presentation was also in the OpenWorld… Read More »UMRUG 2015 Fall Meeting Recap

Change VM from DHCP to Static IP

Steps to change DHCP configuration to a static IP, if the VM was originally configured using DHCP. I’ve had to look this up a few times so I’m documenting it here. Edit the network adapter Edit the following file as root user /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=00:1A:A0:B2:B2:5B ONBOOT=yes IPADDR=192.168.0.xxx NETMASK= NETWORK=… Read More »Change VM from DHCP to Static IP