#2 – PeopleTools 8.55

A special Tuesday release! Episode 2 of the PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast is all about PeopleTools 8.55. Dan and Kyle discuss the announcements at OpenWorld and the Planned Features document about PeopleTools 8.55, and make some guesses about some new features.

We want to make this podcast part of the community discussion on PeopleSoft administration. If you have comments, feedback, or topics you’d like us to talk about, we want to hear from you! You can email us at podcast@psadmin.io, tweet us at @psa_io, or use the Twitter hashtag #psadminpodcast.

You can listen to the podcast here on psadmin.io or subscribe with your favorite podcast player using the URL below, or subscribe in iTunes.

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3 thoughts on “#2 – PeopleTools 8.55”

  1. My understanding is that PeopleTools will be delivered using Selective Adoption and the lowest level of “update” you’ll be able to select is a “PeopleTools patch”. The key value add here is that it’s going to be delivered via SA. You won’t be able to “select” this tools feature but not that one. You get the whole patch or not at all.

    I love the podcast banter and discussion.

  2. Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense that the PI’s would be tool to deliver PeopleTools updates, not that PeopleTools will become selective. We’ll add that to the next podcast we record (should episode 7).

  3. Pingback: #7 – Load Balancers | psadmin.io

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