#10 – Documentation and Tools Part 2

This week on The PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast, Part 2 of the Documentation and Tools episode. In Part 2 we talk about our favorite text editors, password safes, frameworks, utilities, graphing scripts, browser extensions, plug-ins, and a whole lot more! There is a wealth of information in this podcast and you’ll find at least one software tool that is new to you! The show notes have links to all the tools, so make sure to download and try anything that sounds useful to you.

We want to make this podcast part of the community discussion on PeopleSoft administration. If you have comments, feedback, or topics you’d like us to talk about, we want to hear from you! You can email us at podcast@psadmin.io, tweet us at @psa_io, or use the Twitter hashtag #psadminpodcast.

You can listen to the podcast here on psadmin.io or subscribe with your favorite podcast player using the URL below, or subscribe in iTunes.

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Show Notes

3 thoughts on “#10 – Documentation and Tools Part 2”

  1. Pingback: PeopleSoft Podcast #10 – Documentation and Tools Part 2 | Dinesh Ram Kali.

  2. Catching up on the podcast, so I’m behind, but really enjoyed this one. I like hearing that other PS Admins use similar tools and tips/tricks that I do (like setting the background color on my production Windows servers to red, development to green, etc.) and I got some great ideas from you guys that I’d love to implement.

    One tool I wanted to suggest is Automate Professional from Network Automation. It’s a very powerful and easy to use (but not cheap) automation tool. I use it (for example) to refresh my test environment every Monday morning with Sunday night’s backup of production, purge old app server/Process Scheduler logs monthly, etc.

    Another one I don’t think you mentioned is Oracle’s TraceMagic for analyzing .tracesql files which comes in very handy when the need arises to parse through a long trace.

    P.S. I also used to use PFE32 back in the day for SQR development (in my PeopleTools 5 and 6 days), but switched to Notepad++ some time ago.

    1. Thanks Jeremey.

      Network Automation looks pretty nice. Thanks for the suggestion!

      I thought we mentioned TraceMagic at one point in the podcast – or maybe I intended too 🙂 I like TraceMagic quite a bit. I feel like that should be bundled into PeopleTools and get some real support. It could be huge help for developers.

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