Change Assistant Debug Mode

This is a short post, but hopefully helpful. I recently discovered that you can turn on Change Assistant with a debug mode using an environment variable. There is no documentation on this, but it seems to work well and might help you resolve any issues you have with Change Assistant.

To enable the debug mode, set the PSCADBG environment variable. I used “true” for the value, but any value should work.


Then launch Change Assistant from the command line:

c:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant\changeassistant.bat

In the command line you should see the debug output, like this:

Signed on to 'PSFTDB'. Using c:\PT8.55.13_Client_ORA\
Attempt to signon using PS/PS@PSFTDB
Controller sending c:\PT8.55.13_Client_ORA client
Controller received from c:\PT8.55.13_Client_ORA client
Signed on to 'PSFTDB'. Using c:\PT8.55.13_Client_ORA\

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