#87 – PeopleTools 8.56

PeopleTools 8.56 has been released. This week on the podcast we talk about new features in 8.56 that we are excited about and dive into some of the changes to Deployment Packages.

Show Notes

  • 8.56 is out! @ 2:00
  • Platform Changes @ 4:45
  • Fluid Changes @ 7:00
  • Event Mapping API? @ 11:00
  • Searching Improvements @ 11:45
  • PUM @ 14:00
  • Portal Changes @ 18:30
  • Unified Navigation @ 21:00
  • PTSYS Database @ 26:30
  • Classic Plus @ 30:15
  • PSCBO @ 34:30
  • Role/PL Aliases @ 35:15
  • Event Mapping @ 37:45
  • VCD Still Around @ 40:00
  • Change Assistant @ 41:45
  • Deployment Packages @ 48:00
  • RECONNECT @ 68:00

10 thoughts on “#87 – PeopleTools 8.56”

  1. Love the podcast guys. I now have some new bluetooth ear-buds so I can walk around the office and still listen in. 🙂

    The 3 ellipses button icon (“pea menu”) is common in many other apps. But looks like opinion is split and some like the hamburger.

    Google Chrome and Slack.com menu uses 3 ellipses but FireFox browser and Facebook uses hamburger menu. Microsoft Edge has the ellipses horizontal – not vertical.

    Many others use the mechanical wheel icon (Skype, Microsoft IE 11).

    So…. not sure why Oracle felt it so important to change.

    regards to all at PSADMIN.IO


  2. Has anyone tried to see if the 8.56 classic+ stylesheets can be applied to 8.55 objects? Curious to see what sort of level of effort is needed here.

  3. In the pscbo_stats section, what did you say you want to talk to the DBA about?
    “coincidentally we started talking about ps……. what?”

    1. Hi Tom

      It was in the New Feature Overview for PeopleTools 8.56. Here is what the document said:

      PSCBO_STATS Package for PeopleSoft Optimization
      PeopleTools 8.56 includes the PSCBO_STATS package for use with the Oracle database. Customers can optionally use the package to leverage Oracle's dynamic sampling feature to gather and maintain schema or table-wide statistics.
      See Also
      Product documentation for PeopleTools 8.56: Data Management, “Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle,” Implementing PSCBO_STATS for PeopleSoft Optimization

      You can find the document under MOS: 2267247.1

  4. Hi Dan ~

    Thank you for this!

    In my MOS SR on this topic, I have included the information you shared from Oracle/PeopleSoft’s own documentation (Doctor’s ID 2267247.1).

    I’ll follow up if I learn anything concrete from them (one way or another).

    Again, ThanX!

  5. We are not ready to move to 9.2 on our FCM installation. We currently on tools 8.53. We are going to upgrade tools, but we are trying to determine if we should go to 8.55 or 8.56. We have gotten some feedback saying that 9.1 FCM will not run on Tools 8.56. Has anyone tried the 9.1 FCM PT 8.56 configuration.


    1. I have not heard of any reason you cannot run HCM 9.1 with PT 8.56. The big change with 8.55/8.56 is that Crystal is not supported. But there isn’t any technical reason you can’t upgrade to 8.56. PeopleTools is backward compatible with the applications, you can keep upgrading PeopleTools while staying on the older app versions (Crystal support as the exception).

    2. Kevin,

      One thing about 8.56 is there is no verity support. If you are using verity search in a 9.1 environment, then 8.55 might be the better choice.

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