8.55 – Drop-Down Navigation

In a past post, I highlighted the new default navigation options with PeopleTools 8.55. For some organizations, the new Fluid Navigation might be a large change and are not ready to make the jump to Fluid. But, there is a way to keep the Classic Drop-Down menu style in PeopleTools 8.55. If you switch the System Default Theme back to the 8.54 or 8.53 stylesheets, you can use the Drop-Down menu.
1. PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding System Options
2. Choose DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE (8.53 Look-and-Feel) or DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE_ALT (8.54 Look-and-Feel). You need to log out and back in to see the changes (I had to clear some browser cache too).

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 7.16.06 AM The screenshot above is from HR 9.2 Image 16 after I updated the system theme to DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE. One thing to note if you make this change, the default homepage is still the Fluid Homepage when you log in. The “Assign Themes” let’s you change the user homepage based on Role or Permission List if you want to make that change.

2 thoughts on “8.55 – Drop-Down Navigation”

  1. Pingback: 8.55 – Default Navigation – psadmin.io

  2. Pingback: #16 – PI’s and DPK’s – psadmin.io

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