Enable Fluid Navigation

If you are on PeopleTools 8.55 or later, Fluid Navigation is enabled by default. But, there are ways to revert back to the Drop-Down Navigation. If you have kept the Drop-Down navigation and want to revert back to Fluid Navigation, there are three configuration changes to make:

  1. Navigate to “PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > System Branding Options” and select DEFAULT_THEME_FLUID for the “Default Branding Option”.
  2. Expand the “PeopleTools Options” Grid (this is collapsed by default) and verify the Branding Application Class:
    • Package Name: PTBR_BRANDING
    • Application Class ID: Branding
  3. Navigate to “PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Options” and select PPTL for the “Option Category Level”.
  4. For the User Options HPPC and HPTABLET, change the Default Value to “Fluid”. (Under the “Format” tab).

Log out of the application and log back in to see the changes.

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